Escaping the “Too Much” Mindset

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the world’s obsession with excess. Abba has been revealing to me how my life is filled with “too much” and “too many.”

  • Too much screen time
  • Too many clothes
  • Too much business
  • Too many unused items
  • Too much stress
  • Too many goals and plans…

The list seems endless.

Contrary to popular belief, more is not always better. Just because we have space doesn’t mean it should be filled. Our minds are already cluttered with so many things, and any additional clutter in our surroundings and relationships only adds to it.

“Simplicity” has been a consistent word throughout my journey with the Lord. I’ve come to realize that, like any other lesson Abba teaches me, it has many layers – like an onion!

Simplicity can apply to our mindset, lifestyle, healthy habits, emotional well-being, actions, attitudes, belongings, and most importantly, our walk with the Lord.

When we begin to simplify our lives, we allow more room for what truly matters. We can focus on building stronger relationships with loved ones, taking care of our bodies and minds, and pursuing our passions with intentionality. By removing the excess, we can create a sense of peace and clarity in our lives.

However, escaping the “too much” mindset is easier said than done. It requires intentional action and a shift in perspective. We must learn to let go of the things that do not serve us and focus on what truly brings us joy and fulfillment.

In doing so, we can find freedom and contentment in a life of simplicity. So let us be mindful of the “too much” in our lives and choose to live with intentionality and purpose.

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